Credits: USA TODAY Sports

LeBron James is the oldest player on the current Team USA roster and still carries the team when they need someone to step up. At 39, King James seems to have defeated ‘Father Time’ as he has yet to show signs of slowing down. So, how does the Lakers star’s future look in the league? Well, Marv Albert and Mark Jackson give their two cents on LBJ.

When appearing on the Come And Talk 2 Me podcast, Jackson and Albert shed light on James’ longevity. Discussing how long he could still play at a high level, Jackson compared The Akron Hammer to one of the greatest in NFL history, Tom Brady.

“I think he can go another—Playing a facilitating brand of basketball, he can play another five years. I really believe that. It’s tough watching the all-time greats. Like, I still believe that you got a couple of years… It’s tough for me to say bye to GOATS. So, Tom Brady, I think he can play today and play a couple of more years if he wanted to.”

Jackson was convinced that LeBron James could go on to play for another five years if he stayed in shape the way he is now. At 39, James averages 25.7 points, 8.3 assists, and 7.3 rebounds per game. So, the argument that LBJ isn’t as productive as he was before gets nullified right there. But considering Jackson’s five-year prediction, he did specify seeing James in a more facilitating role than anything else.

Jackson even believed that he could still come back to the league and play for a couple of years if he got back in shape. James has been putting in the work every offseason, so for him to lose a step or get out of shape is highly unlikely.

Even Marv Albert seconded what Mark Jackson had to say. He gave his thoughts on Brady having what it takes to come back to the league and play.

“He(Tom Brady) could rejuvenate, stays in terrific shape. You feel he could still play.”

Now, Tom Brady has retired from the NFL for a couple of years. So, whether he has a successful comeback or not is something we may never find out but seeing LeBron James defy ‘Father Time’ is something fans can still witness for two or three years, depending on his health.