Tomorrow (August 08), the Southwest Monsoon will bring moderate to heavy rains (50-100 mm) over Bataan
and Zambales.
By Friday (August 09), moderate to heavy rains (50-100 mm) are still possible over Bataan, Zambales,
Under these conditions, flooding and rain-induced landslides are possible, especially in areas that are highly or
very highly susceptible to these hazards as identified in hazard maps and in areas with significant antecedent
The public and disaster risk reduction and management offices concerned are advised to take all necessary
measures to protect life and property. PAGASA Regional Services Divisions may issue local Heavy Rainfall
Warnings, Rainfall/Thunderstorm Advisories, and other severe weather information specific to their areas of
responsibility as appropriate.
Unless significant changes occur, the next Weather Advisory will be issued at 11:00 AM tomorrow
PAGASA would like to inform and caution the public of unauthorized individuals posing to be officials of the agency soliciting money for a foundation.
Please be advised that no individuals or organization are authorized to use the name of PAGASA, its officials and employees for a favor. We request anyone who receive similar mail, email or calls to immediately report the matter to PAGASA Public Information Unit at Telephone No. (02) 8284-0800 local 1100 to 1101 or email us at [email protected].