Nadine Lustre is many things, she is a dancer, singer, activist, and most especially, she is a one badass woman. In this article, we listed reasons why Nadine is a woman everyone should look up to.

Nadine is an Environmental Activist

Among the many things to admire about Nadine is her passion for saving the planet. She continues to move for the environment by using her influence to fight for a sustainable lifestyle and a cleaner environment.

She Empowers Women

Nadine is strong. She resists succumbing to her weaknesses and uses them instead as fuel to drive her to her goals. She confident, bold woman who knows her own mind. She is also sexy, funny, and does what she wants when she wants it.

She is an LGBTQ+ Ally

Nadine has often shown her support for the LGBTQ+ community.  She has been very vocal about support for the LGBT+ community. In 2019, she showed her undying support by marching at Metro Manila Pride.

Nadine Speaks Her Mind

Nadine doesn’t take shit and doesn’t care what everyone thinks. It was 2017 when she gave us her iconic  “C’mon, guys. It’s 2017” line.

She’s Never Afraid to Show Her Vulnerability

In her darkest days, she shared, “Showing vulnerability is important to me because this is my way of empowering the younger generation. I want them to know that my life is not all good, that I’m never perfect, and that they’re not the only ones going through those dark days.”