The Preview Ball 2024 was a celebration of authenticity, with our guests asked to arrive in looks that could might as well be their second skin. The event was capped off with the reveal of our September 2024 cover, which starred no one else but blockbuster queen and bona fide Preview girl Kathryn Bernardo.

kathryn bernardo

Paui Guevarra

Before she entered the Marriot Grand Ballroom at Newport World Resorts, Kath had a quick chat with Preview, looking back at her milestones and reflecting on what authenticity means to her.


When asked the perpetual query of who she was wearing, Kath said: “It’s a bit sexy, but I’m still very comfortable in it. I just trust my team so much… Thank you to Mark [Bumgarner]Earl [Semitara], and Kim and Boop [Yap]!”

Kathryn Bernardo for Preview Ball 2024


The actress graced the event after quite an eventful year, having appeared in A Very Good Girl, leading a Century Tuna Superbods campaign, and, of course, starring in our viral November 2023 cover. Reminiscing on the latter, Kath shares, “It’s safe to say na that cover, isa yun sa mga [kakaiba] na nagawa ko. Personally, I think it’s one of my favorites as well.”

“I’m just so happy with it. So nandito ako ngayon to support Preview once again, for the September issue naman,” she continues. Kath adds that this was actually her first time attending the Preview Ball, and she couldn’t be happier to do so.

kathryn bernardo


In her September 2024 cover story, the 28-year-old professes that authenticity is something she personally values. “If we become super authentic, some people might not understand. But for me, ‘yun ‘yung ayokong mawala sa akin eh—my authenticity, especially as a person, not as the muse but as the woman they see.”

This goes hand in hand with her definition of the proverbial Preview girl. For her, being that girl means utilizing style to express one’s truest self. “A Preview girl, for me, is someone who knows what she wants; someone who’s confident, and someone who expresses herself through fashion and anything she wears,” she muses.

kathryn bernardo


Read Kathryn Bernardo’s September 2024 cover story here.