In Karen’s frank interview, Andrea acknowledged how her lack of money motivated her to strive for success. Her story is comparable to numerous other actual tales of Hollywood stars who also rose through the ranks. Many became billionaires and politicians, demonstrating that anyone can achieve and escape poverty with determination and hard work.

Andrea’s humble upbringing is no sign when she is 19 years old. You see a divinely created being who loves her family and has constructed a magnificent home for them.

In an interview with Scout Magazine, she explained how her more than ten-year career started in hard mode. She describes the pattern she has been experiencing since she was four years old: “I stand in line, I co-commute to get to auditions, and I stand for a long time.” However, she could not talk on the first attempt, which was less than successful.

However, she set her sights on becoming a pop sensation rather than an actress for years before entering that audition room. The acting was a part of her childhood, even though her mother had initially set out to realize her artistic plan for her.

Her backstory, however, veered into a collision with her brother on New Year’s Day. Andrea, who was seven years old, held herself responsible for the accident and sought a means to make amends. “My aunt noticed a poster for what appears to be a pageant for young girls. I competed.”


She began to pursue acting more seriously after seeing the results of her efforts. When I was ready to become a star, I told my mother with confidence at that point. Let’s try out.” And there, she became a child star of one of the Philippine National TV’s children’s shows and became a child star of many TV series.

It’s not all sunshine and rainbows when she reaches the main character milestone, which not all celebrities do in their lifetime. Anyone who has followed the actress’s career knows that she has been dogged by controversy for as long as we can remember. And recently, not even her extensive acting resume could protect her from the violence.

Since the start of the epidemic, the word “primary character” has given birth to numerous layered meanings in the TikTokverse lexicon. People began to “romanticize” their lives as protagonists due to the general gloom, which is beneficial if it means taking control of every moment. However, also notes how it ultimately became associated with narcissism.

The term “primary character,” which now carries a double-edged sword, continues to appear online, including in articles on Andrea.

In an interview later, she admits, “I was depressed at age 11.” She also says she had trouble talking to others between the ages of 14 and 15. Fortunately, there was anime, notably “Naruto,” which she says has an excellent character and has gone through a lot. “All you need is something or someone to lean on. If you have someone who gives you the will to live, anything is possible, even a plant or your dog.

Andrea also shied away from mirrors in her battle against eating problems and body dysmorphia. “Occasionally, I have breakdowns in the car because I am reminded that I am bound to my body. When I cry, I eventually lose all desire to live. Even though I am ready to begin my morning.”

Thankfully, she overcame this with the coming of her TV series, “Kadenang Ginto,” in 2018—her answered prayer. “Only there did I genuinely experience people’s gratitude and recognition. This was also when she met her best friend, Bea Borres, with who she became closer after the program finished. That helped me a lot as a person in my character development.

She admits, “It gave me confidence,” saying she still carries a piece of her. It’s also one of my most challenging psychological and physical roles because being furious daily wears you out. In addition, I adore it the best. I don’t fit the role there, but I recognize the pain.

Slices of her intense drama series “Kadenang Ginto” have been published on YouTube for everyone to watch and have been watched millions of times. Comments complimenting Andrea’s acting skills dominate a few heated episodes. Resentment, agony, despair, and jealousy The girl is versatile. But occasionally, these are overwhelmed by another aspect of the internet, where intense criticisms (perhaps borderline hatred) are found.

She is aware of her usage of baby jargon, which is one recent topic. She claims that it comes effortlessly, especially when speaking to individuals she feels at ease around (i.e., a father, mother, or sister figure).

She acknowledged that she clings to her baby babble during the same interview. She justifies it as a way of making up for the upbringing she was deprived of. “I became cognizant very young. I was a young woman when I became a woman. I started wearing makeup and dressing up when I was little,” she recalled as a 15-year-old. She believed there was no time for mistakes as she approached her twenties. She decided to research the amount of her talent fee from the previous year to enjoy the remaining years of her youth.

Andrea works tirelessly for her family despite the pressure and is equally proactive outside acting. She has donated to frontliners, taken part in charitable events, given gifts to underprivileged children on Christmas, and used her influence to make a statement during the 2022 elections, among other things. She was spotted doing a beach cleanup on Siargao in June last year.

LOOK: Andrea Brillantes & Ricci Rivero in Siargao Beach Getaway

After all, she had to go through a lot to regain her confidence. On Andrea’s left forearm is a tattoo that reads “Guard your heart,” which is a verse from Proverbs 4:23. “That’s life,” says another, adding, “C’est La Vie.”

In an industry that demands one be “likable,” Andrea, who has amassed millions of followers on social media, nonetheless cherishes authenticity. She tries to focus on things or people she loves to block out the noise.

Andrea’s narrative is reminiscent of that of other performers who, although having faced financial obstacles, overcame similar upbringings and succeeded in their careers.