People in Tokyo also felt the tremors of this earthquake.

The above earthquake occurred 1 day after a 7.1 magnitude earthquake in the sea off Miyazaki Prefecture, on the western edge of the Nankai Trench, shook southwestern Japan.

The Japan Meteorological Agency has issued a warning about the risk of a very large-scale earthquake with an assumed epicenter located around the Nankai Trench. Accordingly, the risk of super earthquakes is increasing and could occur in about the next week.

Nhật Bản chủ động ứng phó với trận động đất siêu lớn - Ảnh 1.

According to earthquake research experts at the University of Tokyo, the earthquake on the evening of August 9 was near the capital area. Although the mechanism is different from the hypothesized Nankai Trench megaquake, this could be a harbinger of larger earthquakes. Experts also urged people to continue to be on high alert.

Japanese local authorities are rushing to prepare plans for the worst scenario – if a super earthquake occurs. In Nichinan City, Miyazaki Prefecture, local officials are urgently inspecting the material conditions at refugee facilities.

Nhật Bản chủ động ứng phó với trận động đất siêu lớn - Ảnh 2.

In Kochi province – western Japan, by the morning of August 9, at least 75 shelters had been set up in 10 residential areas in the province. Authorities in Wakayama Prefecture in western Japan also established safe evacuation routes in case of an earthquake.

Meanwhile, the government of Shizuoka prefecture in the central region has asked crisis emergency response forces to be on alert 24/7.

Even for the private sector such as power plants, railway companies, etc., some companies have begun preparations to respond to earthquakes.