Photo courtesy: Angelica Yulo on FB

Angelica Yulo, mother of double Olympic champion Carlos Yulo, publicly apologized to her son for their recent feud.

During a press conference with lawyer Raymond Fortun, Angelica echoed her son’s call to move past their differences.

“Son, I am sorry. I understand some may think I’m only speaking now because of your success,” she said in Filipino.

Angelica also apologized to the Filipino public for her remarks during television interviews, explaining that she was exhausted from supporting her son during the Paris Olympics.

“I ask for your forgiveness as a concerned mother. You are mature enough to make your own decisions. Our door is always open, regardless of your financial status. I can’t take back my words, but your father and I are ready to talk with understanding whenever you’re ready to come home and resolve this,” she continued.

“Others don’t need to know our feud, as they don’t understand the full story.”

She expressed a desire for healing between them, saying, “I pray for healing to lessen the pain that has been in my heart for a long time.”

In Paris on Tuesday, Carlos addressed the issues, including how his finances were used and personal attacks on his girlfriend. He urged his mother to heal and celebrate his Olympic victories instead.