Over the weekend, Binibining Pilipinas USA 2014 held its Coronation Night at the Centinela Valley Center for the Arts in Los Angeles. But the pageant itself did not proceed without a hitch…well, hitches actually.

Wrong winner being sashed by Venus.
Wrong winner being crowned. The girl on the right should have been given the #1 position.
First off, the host announced the wrong name for the top winner (who was switched with the second-placer). #9 Christelle Abello was supposed to be it, but probably due to a mix-up or an oversight, #4 Czarina Hermoso was proclaimed instead. Chaos ensued backstage, and the organizers were scrambling to rectify the major error. But not after the earlier-named lady already had photo ops with the wrong crown and sash on her.

The right placements after the organizers corrected the error.
Somehow, their Facebook page reflected the photo showing the correct set of winners instead. But then again, the audience already feasted on the mistakes as can be seen in two of the photos above. Christelle Abello is the rightful Binibining Pilipinas USA 2014 and Czarina Hermoso BPUSA Tourism 2014.
3rd Runner-Up Lovely Jane Tanglao collapsed after the announcement and crowning of winners.
And if that’s not enough, the 3rd Runner-Up Lovely Jane Tanglao fell off the stage during picture-taking after the announcement and had to be rushed to the hospital right away. Tsk tsk tsk.
Things were messy indeed. But at least, the organizers tried their best to do something about it. Next time, perhaps, a more alert host (who could have double-checked the accurate placement if there was uncertainty on how the names are written on the results card inside the envelope.). Of course, it would have been a different story if the ones who made the final tally and wrote the winners’ names on the card got confused. Someone has to take the blame somewhere.