A conversation about the biggest stars in show business cannot be had without mentioning Nadine Lustre. The internet’s president, as she’s adoringly called by her fans, has evolved from just being another teenybopper actress—she’s written her own songs, immersed herself with humanitarian work, and has always been unapologetic about being 100% Nadine. Not to mention, she’s always looked good doing so.
With such a dynamic lifestyle, the 30-year-old has makeup artist to the stars Jelly Eugenio to go to for a quick touch-up or a full beat. Nadine has been sitting on Jelly’s makeup chair since her Diary ng Panget days, and one could only imagine the amount of stories and experiences shared with every swipe and brush. Read on to find out what it’s like dolling up one of the nation’s most treasured personalities.
Makeup Artist Jelly Eugenio Talks About What It’s Like to Work with Nadine Lustre
Describe the first time you met.
“I first met Nadine [during] a magazine shoot for [her and James Reid‘s] movie after Diary ng Panget. I did her and James’ makeup at that time.”
How did you end up working together?
“So in that shoot, she was really nice and shy, she was very quiet. And then I asked her who her makeup artist [was], or if she [had] one. And she said ‘none yet’, so nobody was handling her when it comes to makeup. So from then on, she started requesting [for] me [to do her makeup], [like] for the premiere night of that movie, and the endorsements that came after that.”
How long have you been working together since?
“I think we’ve been working together for almost nine years now, so next year is our 10th year anniversary [of] working together.”
How would you describe Nadine as a client?
“Nadine as a client is actually a dream come true because, for me as an artist, I like to create art on the face. With her and her creativity, and all the things she thinks about, it’s not the usual beauty or pa-sweet, pabebe makeup. So I’m really enjoying my time, and I also love that it’s also what she wants, so we have something in common.”
How has working with Nadine impacted your career as a makeup artist?
“Nadine’s impact on my career is huge. I would say that she’s actually the one who launched my career because we really started together. When she was becoming a [household] name, that was also the time I met her, and I was really lucky because our careers grew together. We’ve been working a lot since then, [and] for a long time now. So I’m thankful for that.”
As her makeup artist, what can you say about Nadine’s personal style/aesthetic?
“With her aesthetic and her style, it’s not from here [in the Philippines]. We don’t consider her a local artist anymore. We never base her looks from anybody here in the Philippines. All our inspirations are from low-key people abroad that you see [on] random makeup accounts or style accounts.
I don’t think she follows any super famous supermodel or whatever. Maybe, of course, they set the trends, but still, she doesn’t pull anything directly from them. Same with the looks that we create, we try to get inspiration from everything: music videos, fashion shows, a lot of stuff. I’m really happy that her aesthetic is not boring and not basic.”
Has your personal relationship developed since you met? How would you describe Nadine as a friend?
“Since we’ve been together for a long time, it was just recently that we had a miscommunication. We didn’t talk, maybe, for like five months? We weren’t messaging as usual so it was [a] really heartbreaking [time] for me. But we got through it eventually. Our relationship now is even better; we’re closer, she’s so much more sweet and appreciative, and I’m thankful for that.”
What’s your most unforgettable moment working with Nadine?
“Some of the most unforgettable moments working with Nadine is just being able to travel the world with her. There was one time we did a tour, and we started in Qatar, and then we went to London, and then to Milan for a show. I started seeing the world with her. Also, after that, we went to Greece, and Greece was one of my most favorite memories just because the place was so magical and I [was] there with her.”
Tell us something interesting about Nadine that her fans don’t know.
“I think it’s not really a secret, but Nadine would actually do her [own] makeup if I’m not there. So if I’m absent, she would actually think of doing her own makeup instead, just because she knows her face better than anyone else—well, aside from me. So she’s really good at makeup now, but she’s just bad at blending eyeshadow (laughs). But she prefers to do [her own] makeup if I’m not the makeup artist for the day. It’s a challenge but we’re helping her [learn how to] do her own makeup better.”