Nadine Lustre thừa nhận cô từng cảm thấy không an toàn trong các buổi thử giọng vì làn da ngăm đen của mình

Nadine Lustre’s Response to Criticism About Her Skin Color: A Stand for Self-Love and Authenticity

Nadine Lustre, a prominent figure in the Philippine entertainment industry, has not only captivated audiences with her talent but has also become an icon for embracing natural beauty and self-confidence. Over the years, Nadine has faced various criticisms, including negative remarks about her skin color. However, her response to these critiques has been nothing short of empowering and inspiring.

The Criticism

As a Filipina actress and singer with a naturally tan complexion, Nadine Lustre has, at times, been subjected to colorist comments in an industry that often idealizes lighter skin tones. In a society where fair skin is frequently associated with beauty, Nadine’s brown skin has sometimes been unfairly targeted by critics. These criticisms have ranged from casual remarks to more overt comments questioning her suitability for certain roles or endorsements.

Nadine’s Empowering Response

Rather than succumbing to societal pressures to conform to conventional beauty standards, Nadine Lustre has consistently stood up for herself and others who share similar experiences. She has used her platform to promote self-love, confidence, and acceptance of one’s natural skin tone.

Nadine has often emphasized that beauty comes in all shades and has encouraged her fans to embrace their natural appearance. She has spoken out against colorism, challenging the notion that lighter skin is inherently more beautiful. Through interviews, social media posts, and public appearances, Nadine has made it clear that she takes pride in her Filipina heritage and her skin color.

In one of her notable statements, Nadine highlighted the importance of being comfortable in one’s own skin and rejecting societal expectations that dictate what is considered beautiful. She has urged people to focus on their inner qualities and talents rather than conforming to superficial standards.

Public Support and Impact

Nadine Lustre’s response to criticism about her skin color has resonated with many, especially young Filipinos who may have faced similar challenges. Her advocacy for self-acceptance and her refusal to apologize for her natural appearance have inspired countless fans to embrace their own uniqueness.

Her stance has also contributed to a broader conversation about colorism in the Philippines, encouraging more people to question and challenge the beauty standards that have been perpetuated for generations. Nadine’s influence has extended beyond the entertainment industry, making her a role model for those advocating for diversity and inclusivity in all aspects of life.


Nadine Lustre’s reaction to being criticized for her skin color reflects her strength, confidence, and commitment to authenticity. By standing up against colorism and promoting self-love, Nadine has become a powerful voice in the fight for a more inclusive and diverse understanding of beauty. Her message is clear: true beauty is about being proud of who you are, no matter your skin color.