Fade Away???

He’s been making movies steadily since 2010. TEN since 2017 and with THREE in pre/post production.

Unlike Seagal’s last decade of crap, Van Damme’s films are usually well made, interesting and very well acted. Many of his straight-to-video releases were plenty good enough to have been shown theatrically.

JCVD has not “faded” be assured!

I WOULD comment that most of his films are insanely under-rated 5’s and 6’s that should have been 7’s and 8’s. Check out: Nowhere To Run, Hard Target (an ‘8’ easily!) Lionheart, Timecop (Another ‘8’) Universal Soldier, JCVD (this was brilliant). The Expendables 2, Double Impact, just for starters!

He was kind of a man of his time in an era when martial arts stars became popular in low budget movies. The problem is he was a very limited actor and was also known as a pain in the butt to some extent. He wasn’t a jerk to the extent some people in Hollywood were but he was hardly multi talented. He made a few too many films that ended up straight to video for various reasons and his stock dropped from the late 1990s onwards as his films weren’t getting theatrical releases anymore.

In a way it’s a shame as he worked hard to make a career out of it and made a few entertaining B movies at his peak but he was never quite A list material even if films like Universal Soldier were solid theatrical hits. I guess that sort of genre went out of fashion and he’s one of the more high profile casualties.

I’m kind of confused, the guy was one of the premier action stars of his time. Seriously, he’s been in tons of successful movies within the action genre.

I don’t generally do this, and I am going to answer your question with a question of my own: why don’t you think he found ‘enough’ success in the industry? To this day, everyone in his movie era still knows exactly who he is, and probably even younger generations know who he is too.

If you’re asking why he doesn’t work anymore, it’s because apparently he passed on too many offers that he deemed were too low of payment for his services. In Hollywood, if you pass too many movies, that could be a couple of years of nothing where the offers eventually dry up. Oh, and also, he’s an old man now…we can’t expect him to do even a quarter of the moves he had as a young man.

But he can still do the splits over two separate surfaces!