During his run with the Chicago Bulls, Michael Jordan was known for being tough on his teammates, pushing them to bring their best every night. As The Last Dance showed us, Jordan’s leadership wasn’t always easy to handle, but it led the Bulls to 6 NBA championships. However, there was another interesting dynamic. MJ spent more time with his bodyguards than his teammates, and though this might seem unusual, Craig Hodges, Jordan‘s former teammate, believes he still had a positive impact on the team.

In an exclusive interview with BlackTree TV, 3-point legend Craig Hodges, who has won more three-point contests than Stephen Curry, opened up about his days with the Bulls and how Jordan operated. 2× NBA champ revealed that MJ was constantly surrounded by his bodyguards instead of spending time with his teammates, which didn’t sit well with everyone. “Things can’t go on like that,” Hodges pointed out, suggesting that Jordan should’ve been more involved with the team.

Hodges didn’t hold back when describing the situation: “He’s sitting with his security guys, he’s standing there in a pack of reporters… that’s part of a pack of anywhere between 14 to 15 people, including coaches, at any given time.” He emphasized that Jordan needed to fit into the team’s dynamic rather than expecting the entire team to adjust to him. “All 14 of us can’t fit into number 23,” he added.

Yet, when it came to practice, Hodges shared that no one matched MJ’s intensity, even during drills. “He brought the intensity in, not only scrimmage, but in drill work,” Hodges said in the interview. Their practices were so tough that coach Phil Jackson had to stop them early. “Phil would have to shut it down because it would be game-like intensity.”

But Hodges’ relationship with Michael Jordan wasn’t always close. In a 2020 interview, Hodges revealed he never tried to hang out with MJ outside of basketball. Instead, he focused on bigger issues, such as social justice. Hodges even suggested that NBA players should sit out a game in protest of racial injustice, but neither Magic Johnson nor Jordan agreed, calling it too extreme.

MJ’s reign as Bulls’ leader came at a cost
Craig Hodges, who spent his final NBA years with the Chicago Bulls, often reflected on the sacrifices players made while sharing the court with Michael Jordan. In a 2022 interview with HoopsHype, Hodges acknowledged that everyone on the team, himself included, gave up something for MJ’s success. “All the people who played with MJ have sacrificed shots,” he admitted.

During Jordan’s brief absence, the Bulls still managed to perform well, although they didn’t win it all. Hodges noted that when MJ wasn’t around, the team’s chemistry felt different—more relaxed. “You’d look over your shoulder, worried about whether the superstar was happy with your play,” Hodges said. However, as players grew more experienced, they realized they just needed to focus on their own game and not worry about Jordan’s opinions.

Hodges, who was an established player by the time he joined the Bulls in the late 80s, found it strange that someone younger could command the team with such authority. While Hodges acknowledged that MJ could be overbearing, he has his respects for the star for his drive.