ANDREA BRILLANTES – Here’s the official statement from the management of Andrea Brillantes regarding her controversial photo.

The Voice Kids graduates Kyle Echarri and Darren Espanto are currently facing intrigues after their photo with Andrea Brillantes in bed went viral. Many people online said that they have not been careful about their actions when it comes to posting and sharing photos online at this time. Netizens stressed that they are celebrities and role models the reason why they should be more careful.

Andrea Brillantes
However, with their state where Kyle was in the middle with no clothes on and Andrea and Darren on either side of him. All of them have this “drunk” eyes look which gave people a different assumption and interpretation over their photo.

And now, with this single photo that has no malice seemingly blown out of proportion, the management of the actress spoke about it and clarified the wrong assumptions of the people about it. Becky Aguila Artist Management revealed in the official statement they issue that the photo was actually taken after shooting a video blog.

The vlog was accordingly shot with two other artists – AC Bonifacio and Xyriel Manabat. It added that the three have been really close to each other the reason why they are already that comfortable being with each other, and lastly, they insisted it was just a mere and candid selfie without any meaning and malice.

“First of all, the photo was taken after a vlog shoot where AC Bonifacio and Xyriel Manabat were also present. Second, they have been good friends for a long time thus, they are comfortable around each other. Third, the three are merely taking a selfie and only malicious minds would even think that there is more to that photo,” the management explained in the said statement.

Andrea Brillantes