Best friend, welcome back to the channel! If you’re new here, I’m Sebas, your messy best friend in the world of pop culture. Today, we’ve got a lot to dive into, so grab a snack and let’s get started!

But first, let’s talk about the solar eclipse. I’ve been mentioning this in all my videos lately, but in case you missed it, today is not the day to manifest. The energy is a bit chaotic right now, and it’s better to use this time to let go of things that no longer serve you. Whether it’s old habits, toxic traits, or even people, now is the time to release and embrace your most authentic self.

Speaking of letting go, let’s talk about Justin and Hailey Bieber. There’s been a lot of speculation about their relationship lately, with rumors swirling about potential divorce and mysterious social media activity. Hailey seems to be more active on Instagram than Justin, and fans have noticed that he’s quick to like other people’s posts but rarely interacts with his wife’s content.

Now, I’m not saying that liking Instagram posts is the key to a successful marriage, but come on, Justin! Hailey is out here posting up a storm, and you can’t even throw her a like? Rihanna posts a pic, and you’re all over it, but you can’t show some love to your own wife? It’s got me feeling some type of way, best friend.

I mean, look at this birthday post Hailey made for Justin. She poured her heart out, and he couldn’t even hit the like button? That’s cold, even for a Canadian. And don’t even get me started on Sabrina Carpenter. Girl, if you’re gonna follow her and like her posts, you better be ready to show some love to your own wife, too.

But hey, who knows what’s really going on behind the scenes? Maybe Justin’s just busy working on his next album or something. Or maybe he’s just forgetful when it comes to social media. Either way, Hailey deserves better, and I’m not afraid to say it.

So, Justin, if you’re watching this, do the right thing and show some love to your girl. And Hailey, if you’re watching this, just know that your messy best friend has got your back, no matter what. Now, let’s see if we can get that subscribe button to 66,000 before Sebas’s birthday. We’re almost there, best friend!

Best friend, let’s address the elephant in the room. I’m talking about Justin Bieber’s Instagram behavior, or should I say lack thereof. Now, I don’t usually get caught up in the social media drama, but this is a whole other level.

So, Justin, let’s talk about your double-tap game. You’re out here liking Sabrina Carpenter’s posts, Rihanna’s posts, but where’s the love for your wife, Hailey? She’s been posting up a storm, pouring her heart out, and you can’t even hit that like button? I mean, come on!

Remember that birthday tribute Hailey posted for you? Yeah, the one where she gushed about how you’re the love of her life? Not a single like from you, Justin. Not one. And don’t even get me started on the “sugar plum” post. What even is a sugar plum, anyway?

And then there’s Rihanna’s post. Six days ago, Rihanna posts a pic, and guess who’s there to hit that like button? You, Justin. But when it comes to your own wife’s posts, suddenly you’re MIA.

Now, I’m not saying that liking Instagram posts is the secret to a happy marriage, but it sure doesn’t hurt. Hailey’s out here showing you love, and you can’t even return the favor? That’s cold, even for a Canadian.

So, Justin, if you’re watching this, take some notes. Show some love to your girl, man. And Hailey, if you’re watching this, just know that your messy best friend has got your back. And hey, maybe it’s time to borrow Justin’s phone and give yourself a little like spree. I won’t tell if you won’t.

Anyways, best friend, let me know what you think in the comments below. And remember, love is like a roller coaster. Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down, but at the end of the day, it’s all about holding on tight and enjoying the ride.