Damaging Loophole Exposed in Kelly Piquet’s Instagram Post All Because of Max Verstappen’s Gaming Habit
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Following the allegations of being involved in an extra-marital affair, Kelly Piquet recently issued a statement playing down the claims of Natalie Sifferman. Her partner, Max Verstappen, quickly became a part of the conversation as he chimed in with supportive words for the 35-year-old. However, there was more to it than meets the eye as a major loophole soon surfaced, thanks to Verstappen’s love for gaming.

Writing on her Instagram, Piquet claimed the internet could be a wonderful place. However, she added that it can also be a “scary place” if false information starts floating around. Soon after, Max Verstappen commented on the post, showing his love and support for Piquet.

The Red Bull driver wrote that the “false accusations” by one individual were “insane” and “ridiculous.” He added that he was well aware of the truth and that the family was very happy together.

However, things soon took a U-turn for Piquet as the online gaming community realized something curious. As the comment surfaced, Verstappen was busy playing ‘Call of Duty’ online. The information on Verstappen’s gaming account showed him to be in-game when the comment went public, making the incident even more curious.

Fans raced to X to point out the same, concluding Piquet herself made the comment. The going got tougher for Kelly Piquet after the incident, as a series of questions emerged for her to face.

Fans question the coordination skills of Kelly Piquet and Max Verstappen

With Max Verstappen conclusively busy with playing Call of Duty, fans on X pointed out how Kelly Piquet had dug herself quite a hole.

Some reported that Piquet had started blocking people who pointed out Verstappen was busy playing.

One fan joked about someone hacking the three-time world champion.

The couple has been at the center of social media news ever since their relationship started. Continuing to face challenges alongside each other, Verstappen and Piquet find themselves in quite a predicament with the curious nature of the latest development.