I’m not afraid of any man, you understand? Nobody who has to put their pants on the same way I do.

Diddy has been in the game for a long time, man, a real long time. But let me tell you, right now, the worst person for any celebrity to be associated with is none other than Puff Daddy.

And the best person to get a quick payday from right now is also Puff Daddy.

Music? Nah, there ain’t gonna be no more music. You gotta realize, man, advertisers don’t want to be associated with anything related to sex trafficking or pedophilia.

Remember when they took all of Bill Cosby’s shows off the air? Same thing. They don’t want his music playing during their ads.

So they pull it off the air. It’s a damn shame that his name is gonna go down as the laughing stock of hip hop.

I mean, that’s probably one of the worst falls from grace I’ve ever seen, man. Anybody in hip hop, his fall from grace would be worse than anybody’s because he’s gonna be the laughing stock and everybody’s gonna be making comedy sketches about him.

You gotta realize, man, these big companies, they got investigators. They’re paid to investigate you, whether you’re doing something or not
NBA got investigators on players, man, reporting back to the commissioner about what cars they’re driving, where they’re going, all of it.

They knew this stuff was coming down, man. That’s why they pulled back his publishing. They already knew. He knew what was coming with the lawsuit way before we did.

The case is closed, bro. There can’t be no double jeopardy, no retrial. A man already did time for her injuries. Ain’t nothing they can do about that now, man.

It’s been over 20 years. They can’t reopen that and charge him again.

And you know what? She said she’d be willing to lose her eye for the authorities to remove the bullet fragment as evidence against Diddy.

Man, I find that hilarious. How much money would you give for your eye? They didn’t even say Puff had a gun.

come forward to defend Diddy for a couple of reasons.

First, some of them might know that some of the allegations are true, or they might have participated in activities that they don’t want to be associated with.

Second, they could be worried about their own brand and reputation. Nobody wants to be linked to allegations of sex trafficking.

Remember what happened with Vince McMahon and the WWF? He was accused of sex trafficking, and it was a big story.

So, Diddy’s friends and associates might be laying low until they know more about what’s going on or until they’re approached by investigators.

Homeland Security will be gathering evidence, and they might send agents to talk to people who know Diddy.

They’ll want to know what they’ve seen or heard and if they have any information that could help their case.

So, those celebrities aren’t going to speak up until they know more or until they’re forced to by investigators.