Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton are two of the most influential women in the world today, both married into the British royal family, and both with their distinct style, personality, and influence. Yet, the ongoing narrative of their rivalry has long been a hot topic for the media and the public alike. With Meghan’s bold decisions, high-profile interviews, and extensive work in advocacy, some believe it’s only a matter of time before she overtakes Kate Middleton in popularity.

While Kate Middleton has been a staple in the royal family for over a decade and has cultivated a graceful, relatable image, Meghan Markle brings a fresh, modern approach to royalty. As a woman of color, American-born, and having faced numerous controversies, Meghan’s journey is unique and, for many, inspiring. Her popularity has skyrocketed in recent years, particularly in the U.S. and among younger generations.

In this article, we’ll explore why Meghan Markle could potentially overtake Kate Middleton in popularity and what factors might drive this shift.

1. Meghan’s Bold Public Image vs. Kate’s Reserved Royal Persona

One of the most apparent differences between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton lies in their public images. Meghan is seen as a more outspoken and modern figure, someone who isn’t afraid to challenge the status quo. She has been vocal about issues such as racism, mental health, and women’s rights, often aligning herself with global movements like #MeToo and Black Lives Matter.

Kate Middleton, on the other hand, has cultivated a more traditional royal persona. Known for her elegance, poise, and understated presence, Kate plays by the established royal rules and tends to focus on charitable causes related to children and mental health without delving into politically charged topics. While this has endeared her to many, particularly in the UK, Meghan’s more vocal stance appeals to a wider global audience, especially in the U.S.

Why it matters:
In today’s socially conscious climate, people are drawn to figures who speak out on important issues. Meghan’s outspokenness could help her grow in popularity as more people relate to her willingness to challenge old norms.

2. Meghan’s Influence in the U.S. Market

One undeniable advantage Meghan Markle has over Kate Middleton is her influence in the United States. As an American-born actress, Meghan was already well-known before she became a duchess, starring in the hit TV show Suits. Her Hollywood background has given her a significant fanbase, particularly in the U.S., where she and Prince Harry now reside.

Since stepping down from royal duties in 2020 and relocating to California, Meghan and Harry have signed lucrative deals with companies like Netflix and Spotify. This has further cemented Meghan’s standing in the American market. As the couple continues to release content through these platforms, they are likely to keep building their brand in the U.S., potentially boosting Meghan’s popularity worldwide.

Why it matters:
Meghan’s American background and high-profile projects place her in a position of greater influence in one of the world’s largest media markets, something Kate Middleton, with her more UK-centric focus, doesn’t have to the same extent.

3. The Power of Meghan and Harry’s “Royal Exit”

The infamous “royal exit” of Meghan and Prince Harry, which they publicly announced in January 2020, was a watershed moment in royal history. The couple’s decision to step back from their roles as senior members of the royal family and seek financial independence shocked the world, with many viewing it as a bold move against a historically rigid institution.

While this decision was controversial, particularly in the UK, where the royal family holds deep cultural significance, it resonated with many younger, more progressive individuals who admired Meghan and Harry’s willingness to prioritize their mental health and family over tradition. In this regard, Meghan’s decision to carve her own path only made her more relatable and likable to certain demographics, particularly outside the UK.

Why it matters:
Meghan’s “royal exit” positioned her as a figure who defies expectations, and for many people tired of rigid traditions, this move increased her appeal.

4. Meghan’s Work in Advocacy and Philanthropy

Beyond her public image and personal decisions, Meghan Markle has committed herself to several significant advocacy and philanthropic efforts. Even before she became a royal, Meghan was involved in humanitarian work, serving as a global ambassador for World Vision and advocating for gender equality with the United Nations.

Since leaving the royal family, Meghan and Harry have founded their own non-profit, Archewell, which focuses on compassion, community, and creating systemic cultural change. Through this foundation, Meghan has been able to support causes such as mental health awareness, COVID-19 relief, and women’s rights. Her focus on philanthropy aligns with the values of many progressive individuals and global citizens, making her more popular with this audience.

Kate Middleton, while also involved in charity work, focuses more on traditional royal causes, such as early childhood development and mental health. While these causes are important, Meghan’s more global approach may resonate more with those who are looking for high-profile figures to champion broader social justice issues.

Why it matters:
Meghan’s advocacy for global issues gives her an international appeal that could eventually surpass Kate Middleton’s more traditionally focused charitable efforts.

5. The Media’s Role in Shaping Public Opinion

Media plays a crucial role in shaping the public’s perception of Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton. While Kate has mostly received positive coverage, Meghan’s relationship with the press has been far more contentious. The British tabloids, in particular, have often portrayed Meghan in a negative light, accusing her of breaking royal protocols or creating tension within the royal family.

However, this negative press has not deterred Meghan’s fans. If anything, it has created a “us vs. them” dynamic, with many of her supporters rallying behind her in the face of media criticism. This dynamic is particularly prevalent in the U.S., where Meghan is seen as a victim of harsh treatment by both the royal family and the British press.

Why it matters:
Despite negative press, Meghan’s growing support from younger, more progressive individuals could lead her to surpass Kate Middleton in popularity over time.

6. Generational Shifts in Royal Popularity

Another reason Meghan Markle may eventually overtake Kate Middleton in popularity is generational shifts in how people view the monarchy. Younger generations tend to be more critical of institutions like the royal family and are less likely to be invested in its traditions. In contrast, they are more drawn to public figures who advocate for social justice and challenge the status quo.

For millennials and Gen Z, Meghan’s values and actions resonate more deeply than the traditional royal duties carried out by Kate Middleton. As these younger generations become more dominant in terms of cultural influence, Meghan’s popularity could continue to rise, while Kate’s appeal may remain static among older, more traditional royalists.

Why it matters:
As younger generations gain influence, Meghan’s values and lifestyle may become more popular, leading her to overtake Kate Middleton in the long term.

7. Meghan and Harry’s Global Brand

Meghan Markle’s partnership with Prince Harry has created a global brand that extends far beyond the traditional confines of the British royal family. Together, they are forging a new path as a high-profile couple focused on philanthropy, media, and social activism. By stepping away from royal duties, they have freed themselves from many of the constraints that come with being a part of the British monarchy.

As Meghan and Harry continue to build their brand through documentaries, podcasts, and charitable initiatives, Meghan’s public profile is likely to grow. The couple’s decision to control their narrative through platforms like Netflix and Spotify allows them to connect directly with a global audience, rather than relying on traditional media channels that may be biased against them.

Why it matters:
Meghan and Harry’s global brand gives them a direct connection to audiences around the world, further amplifying Meghan’s reach and potential to become more popular than Kate Middleton.