Meghan Markle’s Fury: Frank Scherma Rejects Sussex Netflix Film as Beckhams Score Emmy

The Beckham family has just snagged an Emmy for their Netflix docuseries, and if you thought Meghan Markle had a temper before, you haven’t seen anything yet. David and Victoria Beckham’s series, *Beckham: What Makes David Run*, was a standout hit at the Creative Arts Emmys in Los Angeles, winning the award for Outstanding Documentary or Non-Fiction Series. David Beckham, ever the suave ex-footballer, accepted the award via video call while the producers rang him from the ceremony.Meghan Markle’s Fury: Frank Scherma Rejects Sussex Netflix Film as Beckhams Score Emmy

This may not seem like earth-shattering news, but Meghan Markle’s reaction has been nothing short of priceless. It’s almost as if the Beckhams winning an Emmy is the latest in a series of cosmic injustices. Forget global pandemics or economic crises—apparently, Meghan’s world is now in turmoil because David Beckham has an Emmy and she doesn’t.

The Beckham docuseries was a well-made, authentic portrayal of their lives. Filmed in their actual home, it showcased real moments and real people. In contrast, the Sussexes’ documentary efforts have, let’s just say, not quite hit the mark. Remember that cringeworthy trailer with footage from Harry Potter premieres? That’s the level of authenticity we’re talking about here.

While the Beckhams were creating a compelling documentary filled with genuine content, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were busy trying to cash in on their troubled past, leveraging their victim status to stay relevant. When it comes to inspiring people, Meghan and Harry have about as much appeal as a soy biscuit. Their narrative of perpetual grievance doesn’t hold up when compared to the Beckhams’ genuine story of hard work, family, and humor. The Beckhams didn’t play the victim card—they simply shared their journey, including both struggles and triumphs.

Their documentary was filled with soccer celebrity moments, fashion, and a lot of respect and humor—a refreshing change from the Sussexes, whose every move seems calculated to elicit sympathy or outrage. Meghan Markle’s reaction, which is as entertaining as it is predictable, is almost too good to be true. Can you picture her seething over the Beckham’s success? It’s probably enough to break every plate in the house, paper or otherwise.

No wonder she’s been trying to cozy up to the Beckhams lately, hoping to hitch a ride on their coattails to salvage her own tattered reputation. And the icing on the cake? Meghan’s likely been having a full-on hissy fit over the fact that you can’t just buy an Emmy. Unlike other accolades, this one actually requires merit.

In a twist that only Meghan could pull off, she’s probably dialing her favorite tabloids right now to leak negative stories about the Beckhams, hoping to divert attention from her own lack of accolades. Maybe she’s even plotting to crash the next Beckham event, dreaming of mingling with A-listers and somehow turning the situation to her favor. But here’s the best part: the Emmys have delivered a subtle “up yours” to the Sussexes without even having to say it out loud. It’s like the universe’s way of showing that real talent and authenticity win out in the end, and Meghan Markle’s constant quest for media validation just isn’t cutting it.

So, here’s to the Beckhams—a couple who managed to snag an Emmy and make Meghan Markle’s head spin in the grand soap opera that is royal and celebrity life. This latest episode is one for the books. Bravo, Beckhams! And to Meghan Markle, well, better luck next time—or not.