In a press conference on Wednesday (August 7), a tearful Angelica Poquiz Yulo apologized to her son, two-time Olympic gold medalist Carlos Yulo, following her statements regarding their publicized rift over financial disagreements.

Earlier saying she would not initiate a reconciliation with Carlos, Angelica now addressed her son, assuring him that their family’s doors are open should the gymnastics champ decide to come home.

Angelica said she hopes that by publicly apologizing, the issue would finally be put to rest and that Filipinos can instead focus on celebrating the historic wins of Carlos in the 2024 Olympics.

When asked about her personal feelings towards Carlos’ girlfriend Chloe San Jose, as well as details of her financial feud with her son, Angelica and her legal counsel Atty. Raymond Fortun repeatedly said these are now “private matters” that should be resolved within their family.